Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Unknowing Salvage Purchase

I manage several employees, refugees from SE Asia, with limited English. One of them just bought a 2013 Civic and he showed me his loan paperwork at 19.5% interest, I was blown away and told him to go see his bank, Wells Fargo, right away and get it refinanced. He tried to, but they said it was in an accident and denied him.I finally pulled up the vehicle history for him today, and turns out the car was stolen and totaled. Then sold on Junk and Salvage title in Texas before somehow making it to Colorado where he bought it.I told him to bring me his purchase paperwork tomorrow to see if I can see if they state it has a clean title and maybe catch them in a lie, but I doubt it. He says he asked the sales rep if there was any accidents and they said no, but I know that's just his word against theirs so that won't go anywhere. Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this?I have a feeling this is going to be one of those hard life lessons for him, which is shitty, as they don't have a lot of money and resources to be taking hard life lessons. via /r/cars http://ift.tt/2tL0oWi

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