Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sat in a Mercedes AMG GT-S today. Kind of a letdown.

I had the opportunity to sit in a newer Mercedes GT-S today. I always thought it was kind of a cool car and fantasized about it what must be like to sit in and drive.So when I actually got to sit in one, I was psyched. The interior looks so good in pictures, but in reality it's not that nice.First, I was surprised by how cheap it felt overall. It didn't give me that immediate impression of solid build quality I was expecting. Somehow the interior felt cobbled together rather than hone from a single piece.The leather didn't seem like real leather, more like pleather. It may in fact be real leather, but they need to treat it differently so it feels more upscale and rich. This leather seemed like it was the same kind as used in cheap leather jackets that they sell at Wal-Mart around Christmas time.The interior plastics were of a lower quality; they felt only a little better than a child's toy. The volume knob was really loose and felt like it could be easily ripped off. On a car with less than 20k on it.The AC vents can't be angled side to side, only up/down and that little silver twisty thing cuts the airflow but doesn't change the direction. Therefore, if the airflow is not where you want it, tough luck. You can't twist it and aim it at your face, for example. Just up/down or on/off.That plastic center console looks like rich, thick metal but it's shitty plastic. If you push on it kinda hard it will creak and flex.The PRNDL shifter feels cheap and is difficult to operate. To put the car in Park, you have to press that little red 'P' button, and it also feels cheap. It makes you wonder if the car is really in park. The shifter itself is similar to the one used in Jeeps nowadays. It springs back to it's original position after you put it in drive. And it's in an awkward position to use. I def wouldn't want to do a 3 point turn in this car.Lastly, the driving position was odd. I'm of average height/weight, but I could barely fit in the seats. I guess they were the Sports seats because the side bolsters were very pronounced and the seat was narrow. The top of the door came right to my shoulder, so you sit really low. The forward view out is really shitty. Looking out the front window is like looking out of a bunker. The opening is only about a foot high from the dash to the roof. And the A pillars are huge. Added to this is the fact that the incredibly long hood falls away in the last foot or so, making it really hard to tell where the cars edges are.I'm glad I didn't throw my life away chasing money to buy a fancy car because apparently it isn't as great as I imagined. via /r/cars

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