Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Reddit, what is your opinion on soft vs hard engine break ins?

Now, I understand this is a very controversial topic of discussion but I would like to hear the opinions of those with experience.I just finished watching Jason's (Engineering Explained) 5 Things You Should Never Do In A Brand New Car video and noticed the comment section was an uproar of disagreement.As someone who is going to be purchasing a new vehicle next month (A WRX or STi), I would like to have some opinions on which type of break in is the correct method. Many of you are going to tell me to follow the owners manual and believe me I've been told that X amount of times. But if you read what a lot of the people are saying in the YouTube comments, they are mentioning that the manufacturers simply put that in the manual for legal reasons i.e they don't want people coming back to the dealership stating that the owners manual told them to drive "unsafely" if any accidents were to occur.What are your thoughts? I apologize if this seems like a stupid question and Jason is probably right with him being an engineer and all but I am just looking for some clarification.Thanks a bunch. via /r/cars

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