I've noticed there isn't any service that provides one location to post classified ads for automobiles, accessories, tools, etc.There are websites with automotive sections like Craigslist and eBay. There are also all of the individual forum market places that are aimed at enthusiasts for all different types of makes and models. But, a lot of the classified ads you find aren't cross posted between the major services like Craigslist and eBay and smaller, more niche market places for specific makes and models.I'll randomly stumble across some awesome gear, tools, and accessories posted in a forum that I would never find on Craigslist or eBay.I'm looking for off-road accessories for my car right now and know I would have more luck looking at forum market places that target off-road vehicles. I most likely won't find the stuff I'm looking for in the market section of the forum for my car or on CL and eBay.Why do some people only post to their specific forum market and not to markets that reach more people like eBay? Would a service like this even get any traffic and be used if it was available? via /r/cars http://ift.tt/2sN0uN0
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