Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The economies of electric cars.

Recently i saw a electric car related post on r/cars. Almost all of people were positive but one person was really negative.Maybe because people dont know about economic importance of a car.No govt is pushing for electric cars just because it saves enviornment. Its much more complex than that.1 economic stability.Oil prices charts are like a ant dipped in ink. Nobody knows if it will go up or down. Because of that alot of countries like india,china have to provide fuel subsides when price suddenly go up. Even saudi arabia has to provide fuel subsides. Compared to that electricity is much more stable and has much diverse production, from nuclear to cow shit. Yes you can even burn cow shit to produce electricity. Thats the reason no body has ever cared much about sudden change in electricity price because it will never happen.2 import bills.Countries around the world are worried about import bills. china can only export so much cheap stuff. but if it ever has to provide it's citizens with even half the quality of life enjoyed by Europeans then it's import bill will out grow it's export earnings. That's why china is biggest ev market. they know future will have to be non oil there is no other option.3 Scalability.OIL might look like plenty. (there is actually way more oil present in earth then the reserve estimates will tell) yet it can't scale up to whole world. currently about 90 million barrels are being pumped daily. if ever country in world has to provide better facilities for it's citizens then just china and india together will consume 90 million barrels per day. that is impossible to scale up to whole world.4 Energy mix.currently oil enjoys almost a monopoly , if you would ask almost any expert then they will say never put all eggs in one basket. but currently there is only one basket available. If somebody tells you that all cars will be battery then he is wrong because oil will remain. next 20 year will be more of a mixture of Natural gas/oil/battery. no one will rule them all. it will make economy much more stable. via /r/cars http://ift.tt/2t8RXDu

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