Monday, July 3, 2017

Need help finding an aftermarket wheel lock key.

First, I apologize if this post is not fit for this sub. Please delete if necessary.I have had a 1993 Honda Accord for ten years now. It got broken into for the first time recently and since I keep nothing in the car the bums decided to steal everything in the glove box (I realize now that I should keep locked) which included my wheel lock key.I took my car to the dealership and they said it is aftermarket. Ive been doing research for days now and I believe it is a Gorilla key (simply based on what I remember the key itself looking like but I could be way off) but cant find a guide anywhere showing the patterns and am having trouble matching my lug nut up to any key I find online.I'm writing this post in an attempt to maybe find some help before I go to the auto-parts store and hope that they will let me open packages until I find the right one.Here Is the nut. It has an odd pattern to it and probably needs to be replaced anyway. I realize the size it probably needed so I can grab that, but its definitely large, maybe 15/16 of an inch?Thank you in advance for any advice on what to do. Im not a car oriented person and I want to get this figured out before I start taking my car on camping trips and such where getting a flat would be a nightmare without it. via /r/cars

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