Monday, July 10, 2017

I'm buying an inoperable car 800 miles away and have a few questions.

I have finally located and agreed to purchase my dream car, granted, it's a project and it's $1200. Oh, and it's in Missouri and I'm in Ohio. That being said, it also does NOT run and drive, and I have tentatively agreed to have it shipped for a fair price. So that brings me to my concerns:How should I pay for the car? My first thought was Paypal. He has the signed, notarized title ready to go.I have done plenty of research on car shipping, just curious if anyone has a good budget company they've worked with (broke college student, can't afford enclosed shipping).I am supposed to pay a deposit to my shipping company, but I don't really feel comfortable doing so, since I don't believe that money is refundable. The company who I have agreed to have ship the car has an A+ ON but they're not accredited.Thanks in advance. via /r/cars

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