Thursday, July 6, 2017

Buying a gasket from Hurst

I bought a Hurst shifter several years ago because they have such a huge reputation for short tight throws. I was not disappointed, it performs exactly as I expected and I couldn't be happier with it.That is until I needed to replace the gasket between the shifter and the top of the trans. It was leaking and needed to be replaced. I called customer service and asked for a replacement assuming it would be as easy as any other product. Nope! I had to prove that I am the original owner/purchaser of the shifter before they will allow me to buy the gasket. What?! Why?! So I dug through my receipts from Summit racing and eventually found it.I never got a straight answer from customer service about it but it really bothers me that I can't sell the vehicle without screwing over the next guy. Doesn't make sense to me, I don't understand it from a business perspective or even a brand perspective. If anyone could solve the mystery then maybe I could relax but damn that is frustrating. via /r/cars

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