Monday, July 10, 2017

Believe dealership may be fudging my service records to inhibit my ability to attempt lemon law litigation on my vehicle. Contact corporate or overreaction?

This may be better suited for /r/legaladvice but also figure I can get some good information here. In late April I purchased a new 2017 Focus ST and have loved the car. However there has been a pretty frequent problem where the car produces no power and feels sluggish with acceleration. It always only happens during a cold start, and when the issue occurs you can hear the turbo spooling, but there is no power at all, like the bypass valve is stuck open. Turning the car off and on again resolves the issue, but this happens on nearly a daily basis. No CELs are thrown when the problem occurs.I've taken the car to my dealer twice for this issue. The first time they "worked" on it for about six hours before stating they could not replicate the issue. They stated they reset the PCM and gave me back the car. A week later the problem started occurring again. The second time they put me in a rental so that they could make multiple cold start attempts to replicate the issue.This past Friday they gave me a call in the afternoon and said they replicated the issue multiple times, but because there are no CELs they could not determine the cause of the issue. They said they contacted Ford Tech for a firmware update to see if this helped. When I went to pick up the car I looked over the service report, which stated no concerns with the car were found, and that they reset the PCM and were giving me back the vehicle. I asked why it was not recorded that they were able to replicate the issue to which the service adviser responded their service manager stated they needed to record it that way in order to record the appropriate hours they put in on working on the vehicle. I had a flight that evening so did not have time to argue over the service report. but this feels like an obvious attempt to prevent me from lemon lawing the car, as they can state that on multiple visits by me they've yet to find an issue. Of course the issue continued to occur this morning.Should I be contacting Ford corporate? Go ahead and contact a lemon law lawyer although the dealership has one more chance to repair the vehicle? When it's driving well I love the ST but this dealership is really causing me to regret my decision. via /r/cars

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