Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Is heel toe downshifting really that advantageous?

I am not new to driving a manual. I've been doing it for 15 years and have driven lots of different manual cars. Fast and slow. It's second nature to me now.Throughout all this time I have never used heel toe downshifting. When I want to downshift while braking I wait until I am at a reasonable rpm, shift, and just let out the clutch a little more slowly to bring the engine up to speed. The gas pedal is not invited to the party because both feet are occupied. You introduce engine braking but you are already braking. When I am driving quickly and following racing lines I make sure to have everything equalized before I want to hit the gas. However I am by no means a racer. This is casual stuff here.I am at a point where I am starting to practice heel toeing just for fun, but I'm not convinced it's really worth it. Make it live for me fellow car enthusiasts. What am I getting out of this? Just a little less clutch wear? via /r/cars

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